

9/09/24: Added "Good Become Evil, Evil Become Good" to the Art page under "Collage."

7/26/24: Added "Dirty Planet" to the Art page under "Collage."

7/23/24: Added "The Glass Swan" to the Art page under "Collage."

7/22/24: Added "Blue" to the Art page under "Collage."

7/21/24: Added "Therapy" to the Art page under "Collage."

6/19/24: Added a Photos section! Still under a bit of construction.

6/11/24: Added "Utopia" to the Art page under "Collage."

5/18/24: Updated the Writing page and added a new section, Latent Space Voyages.

4/26/24: Tooth and Claw has been edited and is now also on Wattpad!

4/24/24: Added Cats of the School for Good and Evil and The Cavalier Sisters to the Writing page under "Fanfiction."

2/15/24: Added "Music Dealer" to the Art page under "Collage."

2/8/24: Added a section for my (digital) collages on the Art page. I've decided to give up drawing in favor of collaging. Making art from scratch just isn't for me and never has been. This might sound unfortunate, but I assure you it's good news and I'm much happier. I will finish my last couple WIPs, though (whenever that will be).

12/2/23: Decided to re-incorporate an old style of reviewing books and made the appropriate tweaks to the Library page. Last book review was for The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean, but there will be more... eventually!

11/13/23: Added two new fanfics to the Writing page, Ever Never After and Forevermore under "Fanfiction."

9/20/23: Created a button, which can be found on this page (the homepage)!

9/18/23: Added an Art page!

9/16/23: Added a magical Library page for books that I intend to discuss.

9/14/23: Wow, it's been almost a year! Quite a bit has changed and a site makeover was warranted. I appreciate everyone who's still following! I didn't mean to disappear and forget about the interactions I've had here. So, aside from a new look and editing some sections (and needing to redo my button), I also added a recipe for the best chocolate chip cookies.

11/21/22: Rebranded the site, which was renamed from Doll Magic to... Roselle! I decided to make it more personal and not just doll-related. Updated the About seciton.

8/6/22: Emma (Carpatina, with sleep eyes) has been added to my collection!

7/30/22: Fixed up the Dolls page with tables, so each section's text is better contained. Customized the Not Found page. It's simple but Dolls (1987) is, unsurprisingly, one of my favorite movies. I was also accepted into the Self-Insert Webring and have no shame.

7/25/22: Posted The Beautiful Lie of Nostalgia to Writing.

7/22/22: Partially completed the Dolls page, along with the About and Links pages.

4/26/22: Hosted site on Neocities.

Feel free to link to me!

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site guardian 🌙 Doñas de Fuera

I claimed The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean! | Bookworms