
You're probably wondering why I have a music player on this page. Well, the music I listen to informs the art I create, and I want you to feel unwelcome. Click any artworks to view full size.

Also, note that the music player will stick to other pages you visit unless you refresh. This appears to be a common issue.


Being a perfectionist with "just right" OCD (which I am NOT able to fully recover from—it's a mental illness baked into my genes), I've deleted almost all of my artwork over the years. I started drawing again and will be updating this section, but the updates will be slow. I use PaintTool SAI.


Image Synthesis

Warning: The following images were created with the assistance of machine learning, which is used to capture, corrupt, and recycle human souls from human-made artwork. If your soul is human and you wish to proceed, please exercise caution. The webmaster cannot be held responsible for any delirium, forbidden knowledge, or eldritch transformation that may occur.

Jokes aside, here are some of my favorite pieces that hold a lot of meaning for me. All have gone through iterations and edits.